The False Memories Network

False Memories was founded in 2004 by Alecto Perdita ( and DarkMagicianGirl (Master Yugi's Website) by combining their websites into one super fansite.

Originally hosted at through the early months of 2004, their host company, LenzMultimedia shut down and was forced to move to another hosting company. A few months later, the two ladies decided to go with a new hosting company, Midphase and new domain,

Over the years the website has shut down and moved to many different servers. We've hosted a fanfic archive and a multimedia page.

Today, is hosted through a friend's personal server.

This layout was coded and created by Kodachrome featuring Hello Kitty.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.