False Memories was founded in 2004 by Alecto Perdita (.yami.no.kokoro.) and DarkMagicianGirl (Master Yugi's Website) by combining their websites into one super fansite.
Originally hosted at Independent-Thought.net through the early months of 2004, their host company, LenzMultimedia shut down and was forced to move to another hosting company. A few months later, the two ladies decided to go with a new hosting company, Midphase and new domain, false-memories.com.
Over the years the website has shut down and moved to many different servers. We've hosted a fanfic archive and a multimedia page.
Today, false-memories.com is hosted through a friend's personal server.
This layout was coded and created by Kodachrome featuring Hello Kitty.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.